APEX Spine and Neurosurgery has two new locations coming soon!

Spinal Fractures

APEX Spine and Neurosurgery

Neurosurgery & Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery located in Bethlehem, Columbus, and Suwanee, GA.

Following a spinal fracture, 16-25% of all patients have spinal nerve damage, but that number increases to 40% when your neck is fractured. With or without nerve problems, spinal fractures need exceptional care from the skilled team at Apex Spine and Neurosurgery. They provide the full range of care for spinal fractures, including conservative options such as bracing, complex surgeries for a damaged spinal cord, and minimally invasive procedures for compression fractures. When you need treatment for a spinal fracture, call one of the offices in Alpharetta, Bethlehem, Columbus, and Suwanee, Georgia, or book an appointment online.

Spinal Fractures Q & A

What causes spinal fractures?

When you have healthy vertebrae, it usually takes the force of a high-energy injury to cause a spinal fracture. 

The top causes of spinal fractures include:

  • Fall from a significant height
  • Car or motorcycle crash
  • Sports accident
  • Violence

However, vertebrae that are weakened by an underlying condition or disease can fracture from minimal pressure. This type of injury is called a vertebral compression fracture.

What is a vertebral compression fracture?

Compression fractures occur when vertebrae collapse because they’re too weak to support the normal pressure placed on your spine. In fact, simple daily movements such as bending or sneezing can result in a compression fracture.

Most vertebral compression fractures are caused by osteoporosis and occur in the thoracic spine, which forms your upper and middle back. However, you can also develop a compression fracture if you have a bone infection or spinal tumor.

What symptoms develop due to a spinal fracture?

Spinal fractures always require immediate medical attention due to the risk of damage to your spinal cord, which can lead to severe complications, such as paralysis. Additionally, high-impact events capable of fracturing your spine can also cause other damage, such as a traumatic brain injury.

When you suffer a spinal fracture, you may experience symptoms such as:

  • Moderate-to-severe pain
  • Limited spine movement
  • Pain that’s worse when you move
  • Pain, tingling, or numbness in your arms or legs
  • Muscle weakness in your arms or legs

When several adjoining vertebrae develop compression fractures, they form a curve that causes a noticeable rounded shape in your upper back.

How are spinal fractures treated?

Your provider at Apex Spine and Neurosurgery performs a physical exam, neurological exam, and diagnostic imaging before developing an individualized treatment plan. Your treatment focuses on relieving your pain and giving your spine the support it needs to heal.

In addition to medication, you may need to rest your spine and wear bracing. You may need surgery to relieve pressure on the spinal cord, stabilize the spine, or to realign the bones following a severe fracture.

Compression fractures are typically treated with two minimally invasive procedures, vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty. During vertebroplasty, your provider inserts a needle into the center of the collapsed disc and injects bone cement that hardens and stabilizes your spine.

If you have a kyphoplasty, a balloon is used to restore the vertebra’s normal height and shape before injecting the cement. 

When you need exceptional treatment for a spinal fracture, call Apex Spine and Neurosurgery, or schedule an appointment online.


Fax Number for all locations: (833) 450-1779