APEX Spine and Neurosurgery has two new locations coming soon!

Patient Information


Focus on your comfort and care.

The resources below will help guide your visits with APEX Spine and Neurosurgery. If you do not find what you're looking for, please reach out.


First Visit

You have been advised by one of your physicians that you should seek the opinion of a physician who specializes in neurosurgery and you have been referred to our office for neurosurgical consultation. When you first visit our office, please bring all x-rays, MRI scans, CT scans, and medical reports regarding your condition with you, or ask that the physician who referred you to our office send these images and reports to our office prior to your appointment.

During your first visit, your provider will obtain a history of your condition, perform a physical examination and review any imaging studies or diagnostic studies you have had. He or she will discuss their findings in detail with you then make recommendations for treatment options. Following your appointment, a report that summarizes your provider’s findings along with recommendations for treatment of your condition will be sent to your referring physician and to your primary care physician.

The final decision about treatment for your condition will be up to you. Your provider will attempt to answer whatever questions you may have in order for you to make an informed decision. He or she will give you their best estimate of the probable outcomes should you choose any of the treatment options offered to you.

If you need to re-schedule or cancel your appointment, please contact our office as soon as possible.



Please bring all of your insurance cards with you for every visit. If you have more than one insurance plan, please inform one of our receptionists. Some insurance companies require that you obtain insurance pre-authorization for visits and procedures. If so, this must be done prior to the day of your appointment. Our office staff will be glad to assist you with this authorization if needed.

Our billing department is available to answer questions related to your bill. You may call our billing staff at 678-250-0880. We also strongly encourage you to call your insurance company directly if you have any questions about coverage of neurosurgical services. If you do not see your insurance company listed below, it does not always mean that our physicians are not accessible to you. Some companies access the physician’s networks of different plans with which we may participate. Please check with your insurance company to determine whether our physicians are covered by your insurance plan.



One of our neurosurgeons is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In the event of an emergency, before, during, or after office hours, please go to the nearest emergency room. The emergency room physician will evaluate you, then call one of our physicians if needed.


Because each patient’s care is different, physicians must check patient files before ordering prescriptions or refills. For this reason, requests for prescriptions or refills must be made between 9 am and 4 pm weekdays. For refills, please call at least 2 days prior to when your current prescription will run out. When you call our office, please have ready all prescription information and the phone number of your pharmacy.


How to make an appointment

Physicians, please call 678-250-0880 to schedule a patient appointment with our surgeons, or click below.


Our Locations

Choose your preferred location


Fax Number for all locations: (833) 450-1779